

Yui冰淇淋 yui滑雪



我在WVC的生活很艰难,但也很有趣. Taking college level classes in English was 对我来说不容易. I couldn’t understand what my instructors said sometimes. Also, I 每天都要做很多作业吗. Those things were stressful, and honestly, I got a flu at the beginning of winter quarter because of the stress. 然而,当我出席时 classes and do many assignments, I got used to it, and I improved my English skills. Now, I think they were very good experiences.  

On the other hand, I had lots of funs with my friends and tutors. 我们打篮球 almost every day, went to skate, ski, hike, and see a concert, etc. 我也很喜欢 saying hello and having a small chat with them on the campus. 我友好的导师帮助了我 my homework and told me some jokes which were very funny. 一切都是我甜蜜的回忆 now. 我要感谢他们所有人.



I studied at 皇冠8868会员登录 valley college for two years from 2017 to 2019. 我也在工作 using a program called optional practical training since September 2019. 我很欣赏 我在WVC的国际协调员. Since I had to apply for this college from Japan, 我必须经历很多. At that time, I had a lower ability to read English and neither my high school teachers nor my parents could help me. 然而,我没有 any trouble thanks to the coordinator back then. 当我在美国的时候,我想念 my home country and my family quite often. Even so Johanna Hamilton who is current coordinator took place coming-of-age ceremony and never forgot to celebrate birthday 与蛋糕. Even after I graduated from college, she also took care of me with paperwork, 找工作,还有我的个人问题. Without her, I could not enjoy studying and living 在异国他乡. For international students who do not have family here but need help with paperwork and such, she did everything she could do for us!